
Standard Registration Fee

580,- € (+VAT)


290,- € (+VAT)

Accompanying Person*

230,- € (+VAT)

* If you do not want these items,
leave the fields in the forms blank.

Registration form

Standard Delegate

Special diet requirements

Do you want to order taxi?


Special diet requirements (for Exhibitor/staff)

Accompanying Person*

Special diet requirements (for Accompanying Person)


9 + 2 =

We will send you an advance invoice after your registration.

Cancellation policy

Registration by a Delegate may be cancelled only by written revocation no later than to May 12, 2023 inclusive. Cancellation fee is 50% of the deposit price.

For cancellations from May 13, 2023, the fee is non-refundable. An alternate may participate in place of the registered participant.